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Best Tips And Tricks To Prevent Pimples

In this post I have share some tips and tricks to prevent pimples for my lovely viewers...Hopefully This post will help you..If then it will make me happy..💚💚💚

Always keep your skin clean:
The best things to do for your skin is keep it clean actually doing this your skin will b happy too.wash your skin with your favorites cleanser 2-3 times in a day..

Avoid Touching Your Skin:
Your skin is like your baby so take a good care of it.Touching Your skin repeatedly is not good for your skin cause there is always hidden bacteria and germs are playing in our hand so whenever you use your hand to touch your skin wash your hand properly.

Remove Dandruff From Your Hair:
People having dandruff get more pimples in their forehead and neck area comparing to others..So first use a mild anti-dandruff shampoo to say bye bye to dandruff.

Drinking Water:
Drink at-least 2-3 litre water in a day..Water actually clean your body from inside and remove toxin from your body..If you don’t like plain water then you can have detox water.so by keeping your body clean from inside can reduce to have pimple in your skin.

Use Salicylic Acid And Tea Tree Oil Based Product:
Use product which contains salicylic acid or tea tree oil because this two ingredient can help you to prevent your enemy I mean pimples.

Stress Free Life:
You have to lead a stress free life..You will say that stress is so stubborn it come by itself but I will say never ever give a chance to stress to stuck in your head lead a very happy life and always keep yourself happy.

Healthy Diet:
Follow a healthy diet to prevent pimples..Add different kinds of fruits and veggies in your diet..Try to avoid oily food..

Never Use Towel To Wipe Your Face:
Always use soft Tissue or cloth to wipe your face.Otherwise you can also use your t-shirt to wipe your face and use that T-shirt only for this reason..

Changing Pillow Cover:
Always keep your pillow cover clean.It’s really important to use clean pillow cover otherwise the germs in pillow cover will give you pimples in your skin.

It’s good to avoid while you having pimple in your skin cause by scrubbing your skin your pimple can become worst.So it’s good to avoid.

Always remove your makeup before going bad.It’s really a bad habit girls never put your makeup on before going bed it’s really harms your skin.



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